Thursday, July 17, 2014

TRÖCKENER KECKS - Schliessbaum 1981

Another nice record is the bebut album by Tröckener Kecks. Founded in May 1980 by De Leeuw and Kenter, know each other from the boarding school and they take the initiative to set up a band. Unlike other Amsterdam punk bands in those days they were apolitical. Belong to the second wave of Dutch punk bands (The Ex, The Work Mates, and The Nitwitz) the band release their first EP in the 'do it yourself' principle. Rik Ringers comes out in 1981 and shortly after their first LP, all on TK Records. Musically inspired by the Buzzcocks and the Undertones with great lyrics. The melodic vocals by Edward Tilburg is especially notable for the lyrics: macabre, absurd stories that demonstrate a flawless sense of language. After missing the connection with the punk movement, they are not surfing along on the wave of Dutch bands in the early eighties. With the German-sounding band name has been deliberately pursued other not to be associated with the English upturn already quietly announced in 1980. More records followed but they changed their sound away from the good old dirty punk rock. Anyway, this record is rare as hell, according to my information only 500 copies were pressed.


  1. If i am right... 1000 copys
    My oldest brother was roady for the Kecks and Claw Boys Claw

    1. 500 copies says discogs, I honestly do not know exactly... anyway: a rare record definitely

  2. Looking for this album! Any chance you could re-upload it? Please?

  3. Could you repost it please?

  4. Entschuldige, ich habe bei der letzten Bitte um Re-Uploads das Album hier total übersehen - Wäre echt riesig, wenn du auch das noch mal hochladen könntest. 1000 Dank
